Sunday, April 19, 2009

***Induction Scheduled***

Well we thought we would go in Tuesday morning like the doctor had originally said, but when the nurse called to make arrangements with me, we found out we have to be there Monday night at 6pm. For some reason they want to get me started at 7pm with cervidol until 5am and then start me on the pitocin at 5. The doctor will show up at 7am hoping to deliver a baby shortly there after, they sure think this process is going to be a smooth one. And for my sake I hope they are right!! So when we get home on, not unitl Thursday:(, I will post the first pictures of Riley Jane.

1 comment:

sburesh said...

Just fyi: they started me with a cervix ripener like cervadil and i was in full blown labor in 7 minutes without any further induction needed! Good luck we are thinking of ya! Need last belly pics please! Then pics of Ms Riley Jane!!!!!!!!