Monday, January 5, 2009

***6 month checkup***

We went in for our 6month checkup today, and everything is normal!! Rileys heartbeat is right at 150bpm and my stomach is measuring about normal!! Gained a little extra weight this visit, the doctor just advised me to not keep it up at that pace, but I am blaming it on the holidays and we went 5 weeks this visit since we were in El Paso. Anything to make myself feel better. We had alot of fun in Texas, didnt do to much, but it was nice to go down and see what Jeff is actually working on all the time!! Here are a few picture of El Paso, TX and looking into Juarez, Mexico. Just a bunch of dirt mountains and hills, but it was cool to see for the first time. And the top picture is out of our hotel window, the other 2 are from a look out point!

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