Thursday, December 4, 2008

***1/2 way there***

Well, I am 1/2 way done with my pregnancy. It actually went pretty fast, felt like I got off to a slow start and the days were creeping by. At least now I can tell that i am pregnant, so it makes it more real!! Went to our checkup appointment on Monday and everything is normal. So we will not have another ultrasound until 30-32 weeks, which is kind of sad! But the doctor said by then, she will have pretty distinct facial features and we will be able to tell what she is going to look like which is exciting!! So no more pictures for 10-12 weeks!!


sburesh said...

Isn't 1/2 way a GREAT feeling! It goes so fast. TRY to enjoy it! I want to see pictures of YOU! I bet you are adorable!

sburesh said...

We have an ultrasound every time. We haven't gotten a good face picture since 21 weeks. Baby B's feet were in front of it's face last time! Now it is too scrunched up...No room left in my belly!